Saturday, May 5, 2018

How to Wash Salt from a Boat

With an MBA from Binghamton University, Bradley (Brad) Berfield works as a distribution and logistics executive for a Philadelphia-based company. In his free time, Brad Berfield enjoys a variety of activities, including cooking, fishing, and boating. 

Regardless of the size and age, every boat needs to be properly maintained. One of the easiest and most important things that any boat owner can do to maintain a vessel is to wash it down after every use, especially boats that spend time in salt water. 

Salt can corrode railings and other metal hardware and cause significant damage to a boat’s finish. To completely remove salt crystals, start by spraying the entire boat with fresh water. Both the inside and outside of the boat should be sprayed, including hardware, piping, pulleys, and other working parts. 

After spraying, wait a few minutes to ensure that the salt crystals are fully dissolved, then spray the boat again from the top down. Outboard boat owners should also thoroughly clean the engine and all of its mounting components.